Behind the lens

Hi, So glad you could join me! I’m Anna, I’m a photographer, blogger and content creator from Cologne, Germany. I am an eternal optimist and introvert and I love nothing more than the colorful little joys of everyday life.

What is “hey hue”?

“Hey Hue” is a space for colorful and optimistic DIYs, photography, fashion and interior inspiration to empower you to live a life filled with joy, creativity and self-expression.

This blog was founded as my own personal outlet to remind myself, that you can lead a creative life and enjoy the little things in life without the pressure of always making things perfect. Nobody’s perfect - and I think that’s the best part.

If you have any input on topics you’d like to see here or things you are interested in, please get in touch:



Work with me

As a photographer, blogger and content creator I am always interested in taking on inspiring projects! My workflow is based around creative collaborations that benefit and inspire your audience.

Work with me on

  • photography

  • content creation

  • sponsored blogposts
